
Reading Notes: Krishna and Rukmini, A Love That Will Not Be Denied

This comic book was quite interesting and picked up right where the Epified videos ended. As Krishna defeats Kamsa and restores the rightful throne to Mathura. Rukmini hears about everything and arranges her own path to marry the hero.

Perhaps the most intriguing aspect of this story is that Rikmini's parents also want her to marry Krishna. It is only her brother, Rikmi who sees him as an enemy and therefore unworthy of his sister's hand in marriage. Yet, for some reason his judgement trumps his father's. I don't really understand why this is. Is it a cultural thing that I haven't seen before? Is his father just old and weak? Or is Rukmi just corrupting and abusive?

I also found it interesting that Rukmi's punishment at the end was to shave half of his head and half of his mustache. Krishna was actually scolded for doing this because it is so shameful. It is a bit bizarre, but I suppose I have seen this concept in other cultures before. It's crazy that this is now a popular hair style in society. I wonder what life Rukmi must live after this is done to him.

Bibliography: Krishna and Rukmini, A Love That Will Not Be Denied Vol. 516
Image: Skrillex, Wikimedia Commons

1 comment:

  1. Wow, these are some really interesting topics that you bring up here in your reading notes, with some REALLY great questions as well! I have similar questions, though I haven't read the original source, I was just following along with your notes. It is crazy that this hairstyle is sort of in fashion these days, and I too wonder what sort of life Rukmini must have lived after having half his head and mustache shaved off? Although, I suppose he could have gone in hiding for 3-6 months until his hair grew back out to a length that he could have it evenly cut all the way around his head, and surely a mustache would be able to grow back during that time frame. Interesting questions to ponder indeed, plus I really liked your photo. :)
