
Reading Notes: Epified Krishna, Part B

I absolutely love the stories of Krishna, and they just keep getting better! My favorite from this part would have to be when Krishna rides the violent bull, Hastin. As the video says he teaches the villagers the importance of kindness. While his brother was talking about killing the bull with a punch, Krishna showed the mean bull love over the span of a month to gain its trust. This story stood out to me because I was raised around all types of animals and know that fear often looks the same as aggression. The story touched my heart and is one that many people in our society could learn from.

The elephant, Kuvalayapida sent to attack Krishna also stood out to me for the same reasons. Here is this animal that is known to be aggressive and is forced to be a tool in massive warfare. It's no wonder that he doesn't let any human come near him! I would like to write a story in which Krishna shows this elephant kindness as well.

I do find it extremely sad that he isn't allowed to marry Radha. I can only imagine the heartache these two felt in the time between being denied marriage and Krishna actually leaving the village to fulfill his destiny.

Bibliography: Epified Krishna Videos, Part B
Image: Decorated Indian Elephant, Wikimedia Commons

1 comment:

  1. This beautiful image of the elephant stood out to me so I read your reading notes. I love your comment that fear often looks like aggression. That is such a powerful message and would really be an interesting underlying theme to a story. The elephant that was sent out to kill Krishna could be aggressive cause of his fear of humans and krishna could teach him, through love, how to return to a natural state without fear.
