
Feedback Thoughts

I am not always the best at receiving criticism, especially if it is from someone I don't know very well, like a coworker or a classmate. Winch's article on why rejection hurts so much really helped me understand why I was feeling this way and how to correct it. I'm also in a period of my medical school applications where I'm constantly asking friends to review my essays for me, and I want to be more open to their critiques in order to create the best presentation of myself. This entire application process has made me more self-conscience I think because I am constantly comparing myself to others who have better test scores, GPAs, and stories than I do. However, I shouldn't let that get in the way of allowing others to help me grow and improve my skills.

As far as giving feedback goes, I found NPR's article on narcissism vs healthy self- esteem to be the most interesting. I think this is a common problem among parents and friends. We don't want to harshly critique each other because we don't want them to feel bad, but at the same time you want to encourage those around you to grow and challenge themselves. Apparently, in the end it shows through.

Image:Mistakes provide the next lesson, Growth Mindset Memes

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