
Storybook Favorites

The Ravana Diaries was the first storybook that I read. The introduction is quite interesting and definitely draws the reader in. It is very descriptive and paints a clear picture of the archaeologist's struggle. The topic material was difficult for me to understand because I have little to no prior knowledge of Hindu faith. However, I am excited to learn as the semester goes on. I really like the author's creativity in writing journal entries instead of the usual story layout. The design looks simple, making it easy to navigate through everything, but a little plain, especially when considering the content of the stories.

The next storybook I read was Animal Tales from India to Oklahoma. I liked the introduction to this one as well. Not only does it introduce another creative way to tell these stories, but it also gives a brief outline of each of the stories near the end. These stories seem to be written for a wider variety of audiences also. Even though I don't know much about Indian culture, I was able to fully understand and enjoy the stories in this book. The design is about the same as the last storybook. It is straightforward, but not very decorative or elaborate. It would have been nice to have more cute illustrations since the concept of the squirrel story teller is so fun.

Lastly, I read a storybook from the Mythology and Folklore course called Cinderella's Latest and Greatest. This introduction was more about giving an overview of each of the stories instead of how they are related which makes sense for this storybook. These stories were written in a screenplay format about a TV show, so yet another creative way to retell the older tales. I did really like that in the Author's Notes she compared the traditional stories with the more popular Disney telling of Cinderella. The design was similar to the others except that it didn't have the handy navigating bar in the top left corner, making it annoying to navigate between each story.

                   Thank you for reading my blog!

Photo taken by merec0, Web Source: Flickr

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