
Story: Chinese Children's Story

There once was a little girl dragon who was very good friends with five panda brothers. Although, many people disapproved of this strange friendship the girl dragon and the pandas were quite happy together. They always played together in the gardens and had a wonderful time.

One day the little dragon came over to the pandas house to practice archery. When she walked through the kitchen she immediately stopped and sniffed the air.

"I know that glorious smell from anywhere. Someone has made cookies!", she exclaimed. Sure enough, she saw the cookie jar sitting on a nearby counter. It was a very tall counter top and even though she stood on the very tip of her toes she could not reach the cookies.

She ran outside to where the panda brothers were already shooting their bows and arrows.

"Guys, you have to come inside and help me get these cookies! They smell so good, but I can't reach them. With your help, I know I could reach them or at least break the jar so that they fall toward me."

One of the pandas called Bhi was the first to reply, "Okay, I'll help you in any way that I can."

Bhi and the others began walking toward the house when the oldest panda brother spoke up, "No, this isn't right. If mother wants us to have the cookies, then she will give them to us later. We shouldn't take them now. Just be patient."

The panda brothers always listened to their oldest brother because he was their leader and the smartest of them, so the boys headed back and returned to their archery.

Outraged, the girl dragon began to yell at the boys: "I have always helped you guys whenever you have asked. Why won't you help me? I have been good and I deserve my cookie now!"

She kept pestering the pandas and the oldest brother kept reminding everyone that they would get the cookies in due time. Finally, the dragon gave up and sat off to the side of the boys to pout for the rest of the afternoon.

She is just about to give up and head home when a voice comes from inside the house: "My little pandas and my cute green dragon, come inside! I have a special treat for you."

Ecstatic to hear the call of the pandas' mother, the little girl rushes past all of the boys to get her cookie. They all end up racing to get inside where they are each given their reward.

The eager dragon takes the first bite into the cookie she has been waiting all afternoon for and.... it's horrible. She looks around to the pandas and notices the same disgusted look on all of their faces. Their mother notices and asks, "What? What's wrong? Do you not like your treat?"

She picks up one of the cookies and takes a bite, and immediately figures out the problem: "Oh no! I'm so sorry kids, I forgot to add the sugar to these cookies. I think I added extra salt instead!"

The pandas' mother begins laughing at her silly mistake, but to the little dragon girl and the panda brothers, this was no laughing matter. They had patiently waited all this time for something so bitter and disappointing. However, the dragon girl was most upset of all. She couldn't believe that she was so impatient and almost broke the rules for such a terrible reward.

Author's Note: I had a lot of fun writing this story. I adapted the character perspective I learned from my readings this week into a children's story. I read the graphic novel about Draupadi by Sarswati Nagpal. In this take on the story, the author focuses on Draupadi's inner conflicts, her arguments with the justice- loving Ydhishthira, and how she wishes for fiery revenge most of her life until she actually witnesses it during the war. I decided to make her a dragon because she is actually born from fire!

Bibliography: Draupadi: The Fire- born Princess by Sarswati Nagpal
Image: Panda Riding a Dragon by Third- Bear, Deviant Art


  1. I love this story! I like that you decided to turn it into a children’s story. You did a great job developing the characters and their personalities. I even loved the picture that went along with it! However, I didn’t like that the children were all so upset in the end. Even though they think they should be rewarded for their patience, they still shouldn’t be mad at the poor mother for her mistake! :( maybe you could make the mother remake the cookies and explain how they had to be even more patient, but it eventually paid off. Just a suggestion!! I still loved your adaptation of the story. You did a great job with it!

  2. I think this was such a cute story! I haven't had the chance to read a children's storybook in this class, so I didn't know what to expect. You did such a great job writing this story! I epically love the characters. Just their physical descriptions show the difference between Draupadi and the brothers. I like how the story had a lesson at the end as well. Great job!

  3. Hi Megan, it's really cool how you've adapted an original story from the Ramayana and transformed it into a children's story. Draupadi was definitely kind of whiny during their exile in the forest since she's used to nice things and suddenly has to give them all up. It was interesting how you tied Draupadi and Ydhishthira's constant clashes into your child-ized story.
