
Reading Notes: Draupadi: The Fire-born Princess, Part B

The second half of this graphic novel really developed Draupadi's character into something I had never thought about before. I truly enjoyed reading into her person more in depth.

Her and Krishna's relationship deepens significantly. She mentioned him visiting her in her father's palace before marrying the Pandavas and how much she enjoyed his company. I did not know until reading this book that he also took care of her children while she and the Pandavas were in their  thirteen year exile. He also plays an important role in mentoring Draupadi through her personal journey from fiery revenge to the calmer understanding of Dharma in the world.

There is also much conflict between Draupadi and her husband Yudhishthira for this same struggle of vengence vs justice. As the eldest of the Pandava brothers, he often made the decisions about what the group did. However, he always favored Dharma and following the rules even while Draupadi was continually attacked and dishonored. This caused many quarrels between the two characters, but after all of the death seen during the war, Draupadi came to see Yudhishthira's point of view and became more forgiving of those who had wronged her.

Bibliography: Draupadi: The Fire- born Princess by Sarswati Nagpal
Image: Dharma Wheel, Wikimedia Commons

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