
Reading Notes: The Second Jungle Book, Part A

I recently watched the newer remake of the Jungle Book, so my interest in this subject was renewed. I read the first chapter of this book, "How Fear Came". I didn't know what to expect, but I was pleasantly surprised!

This first chapter centered on the law of the jungle, particularly the Peace Rock and Shere Khan's killing of man. If you've seen the movie than you know about this cool concept of the peace rock. Essentially, when the jungle is facing a devastating drought this rock is uncovered in the river bed. When this rock is visible a truce is called between all of the animals so that no one shall be killed while they drink from this river. This is to protect everyone since water is more necessary to live.

While at the Peace Rock Tha, the ruling elephant, tells a story about the creation of the jungle. I personally love that elephants are the creator of the jungles. Tigers were named to be the judges, but they brought death. Then, the apes were the tiger's replacement, but they brought shame. Lastly, man brings fear. I love how everyone has a role and this devolution of the jungle society is explained through these animals. Normally death, shame, and fear would be considered fairly abstract concepts, but these stories really simplify the matter.

I also like at the end where Mowgli inquires about the behaviors of Shere Khan. Than makes it seem that he continued killing largely from the stigma and abandonment he felt from the other animals.

Bibliography: The Second Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling, Project Gutenberg
Image: The Jungle Book cover, Wikimedia Commons

1 comment:

  1. I really like how took notes on this story! It seems exactly as how the professor wants it to be. You only put down the things that interest you. I think that I tend to put too much into my reading notes and I really need to learn how to simplify it down. I should try writing in paragraph form as you have here! You did an awesome job of picking out parts just for your story.
